Securing Your Pipeline: Open Source Tool — Integrating Trufflehog and Dependency-Check in Your Jenkins Pipeline

Ranjan Singh CyberSecurity
2 min readJun 7, 2023


I am just try to write a detailed steps for integrating Trufflehog and Dependency-Check into your Jenkins pipeline and parsing the output:

1. Install Trufflehog and Dependency-Check:

  • Ensure that Trufflehog and Dependency-Check are installed on the machine where your Jenkins pipeline will run. Follow the respective installation guides for each tool.

2. Configure Trufflehog and Dependency-Check:

  • Set up the configurations for Trufflehog and Dependency-Check. This includes specifying the target code repository or project to scan and any additional settings or parameters required by the tools. Refer to the documentation of each tool for specific configuration details.

3. Add Trufflehog and Dependency-Check as Build Steps in Jenkins:

  • In your Jenkins pipeline script, add build steps to execute Trufflehog and Dependency-Check.
  • Use the appropriate command-line commands to run each tool. For example, for Trufflehog, you might use:
trufflehog --json <target_directory> > trufflehog_output.json
  • For Dependency-Check, you might use: -s <path_to_source_directory> -f JSON -o dependency_check_output.json

4. Archive the Output Files:

  • After running Trufflehog and Dependency-Check, use the archiveArtifacts step in your pipeline script to archive the generated output files. For example:
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'trufflehog_output.json, dependency_check_output.json', onlyIfSuccessful: true

5. Install Required Jenkins Plugins:

  • Install the necessary Jenkins plugins to assist with parsing the output files. For example, you can use the “JSON Parser Plugin” to parse JSON output files.

6. Parse the Output Files:

  • Use a scripted or declarative Jenkins pipeline syntax to define a step for parsing the output files.
  • You can use the “JSON Parser Plugin” to define a JSON parsing step. Configure it to extract the required information, such as vulnerability details, from the Trufflehog and Dependency-Check output files.

7. Store Parsed Information:

  • Store the parsed vulnerability information in Jenkins variables or custom environment variables for further use in your pipeline.

8. Integrate with the Console:

  • Use the echo command or Jenkins plugins like TextFinder to display the parsed vulnerability information on the Jenkins console. For example:
echo "Trufflehog vulnerabilities: ${TRUFFLEHOG_VULNERABILITIES}"
echo "Dependency-Check vulnerabilities: ${DEPENDENCY_CHECK_VULNERABILITIES}"

9. Implement Conditional Logic:

  • Based on the parsed vulnerability information, implement conditional logic in your pipeline to trigger subsequent stages or actions. For example, you can use when conditions to execute specific steps only if vulnerabilities are found.

10. Automated Notifications:

  • Implement automated notifications to alert relevant stakeholders about the presence of vulnerabilities. You can use Jenkins plugins like Email Extension or Slack Notification to send notifications with vulnerability details.



Ranjan Singh CyberSecurity

Application Security | DevSecOps | Cloud Security | Offensive Security | Cyber Defense | Security Operations | VAPT | WAF | DLP | Cyber Security | IITian